Saturday, February 6, 2016

Islamic unit of early western civilzation


Muhammad ( PBUH) ( life story) -
stage 1: so Muhammad had a hard life, as a young child he was orphaned. Now the way they run things over there , your family is basically all protection, each "clan" has its own set of rules, protections, and almost is a mini government. So Muhammad's Boss uncle was all chill like " you can come live with me so you ain't homeless and all vulnerable.
stage 2: Anyways, he later married a wife ( from meeting from working with each other.) and was accepted into her clan group. One day, he had a dream from God to go to a cave to meditate, so he went. There, angel Gabriel came to him in a very painful dream and was all like " yo we need a messenger to tell the people about God and um you up to it?" So then Muhammad was all like " ow that really hurt but okay?"
stage 3: So then Muhammad came back, and so before he was all illiterate and not very smart, but then when he came back he was preaching all these fucking beautiful poems and so some people listened, but mostly didn't. But then he was known for his motherfucking awesome compromising skills, and at some point proposed that all 4 leaders carry the stone inside the ka’aba, and was invited to put the stone back.
stage 4: Eventually, he was very well known, and was invited to go to medina to fix some problemeos. This became known as the hegira ( down below) and every little thing gonna be all right.
stage 5: he returns to his home, at mecca, the peoples were still not tranfering to islam, and so he was all like “ YO I DID NOT JUST GET A MESSAGE FROM THE FUCKING ANGEL AND BE FORCED TO SAY POETRY EVERY SO OFTEN FOR YOU GUYS NOT TO BELIEVE ME. “ so after trying many peaceful ways, muhammad and his army attacked mecca, creating a battle that at first had very little, but other muslims soon heard and came to fight.The muslims won, and there he cleaned the ka’aba of idols, and made it monothestic again, circling 7 times before entering of course. This was quite remarkable, because normally, anyone else would have destroyed the peoples, but muhammad was merciful and spared their lives.
PBUH- Muhammad is the most common name in the entire fucking universe, so they added PBUH to the end of his name, much like rappers do when they get famous, he needs a way to be like " I'm different." So the PBUH stands for peace be upon him.
Koran- the bible of the islamic religion, except muhammad didn't write it down, it was a collective of several people trying to remember what he said.
Prophet-  messenger of Allah, this person is not a god or special in any way , toats human. but the best one is sooooo Muhammad ( says the muslims)
Mecca- place where muhammad ( PBUH) was born.
Medina- place where Muhammad fled to, before was yathrib or whatever, but then muhammad was so motherfucking awesome so they renamed it.
Hegira- so basically the turning point of islam. So Muhammad and his followers were going to medina, after being invited. On this journey, the ideas of islam spread more and more, and instead of being joined together by blood, for the first TIME IN MOTHERFUCKING HISTORY PEOPLE WERE JOINED BY RELIGION AND YO IT WAS FUCKING BIZARE AND GREAT.
Islam- “ submission to will of Allah” youngest known monothestic religion, the ideas spread fast because when people went conquering, instead of forcing them into the religion, they let them choose, but charged a tax on the people who did not convert, they had a very strong army. It’s all about the peaceful submission to one god.
Allah- much like our God, it's basically their God, just a different word.
Muslim- person who follows islamic belief. “ one who has submits” Aight , yo so Muslims are hella nice, and don't you be making jokes about how they all are terroists , and blah blah blah blah. They are super peaceful people and nothing like extremist groups. That being said, we take a lot of what we have today from the Muslim / islamic influence.
Friday- the day that everyone comes together to pray.
Caliph- the cheif muslim civil and religious leader test tales the place of Being leader after muhhamad dies.
Shar’ia - the system of law that regulates family life, moral conduct, and community for muslims. basically the go to guide on how to live a correct muslim.
dome of the rock- in Jerusalem , where muhammad was like brought back to life, but also where what's- his-name was going to sacrifice his son and at the last minute sacrificed a ram instead, also where a church was built on.
Minarets- so these were these really tall things on buildings that people were called to prayer by.
Shiites- believe caliphs should be descended from muhammad's family. Strict Muslims. "We are family "
Sunnites - believe caliphs should be any man that deserves it. They were more accepting toward taking in other customs.
Sunna- customs
Sheik- chief of a clan. He never really taught us this ever.

The extent - it goes from Spain all the way to India.

What are the major tenets of islamic religion?

Five pillars of Islam-
1) shahada- faith = so these Muslims need to tell and proclaim their love and devotion to their religion like a bajillion times a day, and it's even in their sayings.
2) salat- prayer = so they have prayer 5 times a day, each has a different word and a different purpose. but its always toward the kaaba
3) zakat- charity so it's different for each Muslim, but from what my understanding is, that if you have enough money once a month you should donate, if you are unable to do so during the month, Allah sees all, and understands that you can't donate.
4) sawm- fasting - Ramadan once a month you shall fast, and only eat during night hours. Only adults ( people over the age of 12) have to participate, and again if you are pregnant you are excused because Allah knows why. This is meant to keep Muslims not greedy, thankful for what they have, and have an understanding of why they need to give charity to those in needs.
5) hajj- pilgrimage - so once in a lifetime at least, all muslims must go to mecca, during a special time of the year to pray towards the kaaba. which is a black box, said to be built by abraham, and cleaned out of idols by Muhammad.

Inventions, improvements and more.
Okay so the Muslims be super duper smart, everyone you met was like a fucking Einstein. If you were dumb, you were kinda screwed. They were equal to the Greek and Romans in inventing. They had beautiful palaces, and were living in complete luxury , while everyone else was living in huts and mud and getting really really sick.

Uniquely islamic architecture- keyhole arches, scalloped arches, double horse shoe arches, reflecting pools, flying buttresses, onion domes, minarets, the texture and calligraphy in the walls, the skinny columns, fountains.
Contrast- the Islamic Spain had street lamps, they were very accepting of other religions, only a tax had to be payed. They had gorgeous architecture, gardens, and running water. It was beautiful. While everywhere else had disease, dirt streets, waste running down the streets, barely any water. It was gross.
Knowledge - knowledge in Islam was very important. People flew all over the world to learn more about stuff. Translations of papers went into place. They were all about studying and finding new solutions. These people loved learning.
Medicine- so all the peoples over everywhere else be praying to their ancestors bones over them getting better, but the Muslims be knowing better. The Muslims made hospitals, figured out the disease can be airborne, and separated them into separate wards. They also started to treat medical illness
Math- they created fucking algebra and trigonometry, that's some next level shit right there. So next time you're sitting in math wishing that someone would kill you, you can thank the Muslims for being so fucking smart. They also creates the Arabic numerals. Which are the numbers people's use to calculate math.
Science- even though we learned 0 about this, I shall tell you. The Muslims were so fucking advanced in agronomy, the diagrams they used were kept and studied for over 600 years. They also created an astrolabe that made it easy for them to look at the stars because stars are pretty.
Optics-  so the Muslims were interested in eyeballs, lenses and invented the camera because why not..
Alhambra palace- Spain- so this palace be super sick. It combined the domes, fancy calligraphy, and it was just really really pretty.
Taj mahal - India -so this really rich dude was super in love with his wife, and so when the wife died ip the dude was like " yo I love you so much ima build a fucking castle to show you and remember you by. This palace had huge minarets, arches, reflection pools, and really cool designs.
Calligraphy- yo so the Muslims couldn't really do art, because they weren't allowed to draw  or portray Allah or Muhammad so instead they copied versus from the qu'ran and made it all pretty pretty.
house of wisdom- bagdad - YO SO THIS MOTHERFUCKING BUILDING BE BELLES DREAM HOUSE. IT HAD BOOKS ON EVERYTHING YOU COULD IMAGINE, SCROLLS, IT WAS THE FUCKING LIBRARY OF LIBRARIES. it was a university and rightfully held its name until someone burned it down. :(

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