Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Bubonic Plague (pg 505-506) ✓

1. What part of the world did the plague come from? 
Asia, it struck Europe in 1348

2. What years did it afflict Europe? 
From 1348 to 1352 ( five years in total) Traveled by sea and trade.

3. What was the plague called? 
Bubonic plague, which means black death

4. Approximately what population of Europe died? 
1/3 of the population of Europe died

5. According to Giovanni Boccaccio, what were the symptoms of disease? 
Tumors as small as an apple, or as big as eggs in the armpits and groin. Also nose bleeding.

6. What were the results of the bubonic plague? 
a. shortage in the agricultural and industry fields
b. many people turned homeless or relied on robbery
c. able bodies charged high wages and the king had to regulate wages and prices to stop growth of vagrancy.

Nursery Rhyme:
Ring around the rosy: Praying around rosery beads to give you god's help. They were desperate.
Pocket full of posies: thought that the smell caused the plague, if you smelled like flowers, you wouldn't catch it.
Ashes, ashes: The church burned the dead when burning them because they believed it killed the disease.
We all fall down: the kingdom essentially fell apart because everyone died.

Bubonic-most common form, buboes ( suckling of tumors on neck, groin, and armpits)
Septicemic: means "by blood". Spread by infection of blood.
Pneumonic: lung infection-spread through air: 100% fated death with in 2 days. or hours.

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